Scouting activities within the Group are under the overall control and guidance of the Group Scout Leader (GSL). Each section (Beavers, Cubs and Scouts) is then run by a Section Leader and a number of Assistant Leaders. All leaders (of any type) are appointed by the District Scout Council as having the attributes, character and basic training required for leadership of their sections. The training programme continues to allow leaders to gain extra qualifications, such as permission to take responsibility of camps, and so on. It is worth noting at this point that all our leaders are voluntary and therefore unpaid.
The system also caters for adults who wish to help out on a regular or occasional basis but do not feel able to become uniformed leaders.
Parents are also encouraged to help at section meetings on an occasional basis. This could be to teach simple skills, or more specialist techniques such as first aid, map reading, etc. Parents helping in this way do not need to be registered, provided they are under the supervision of an appointed leader. Leaders will be happy to discuss the ways in which parents are able to contribute.
The Group Executive Committee
The Group as a whole is administered by The Group Executive Committee ("The Exec."), consisting of the Group Scout Leader (GSL) and all the Section Leaders (see the Leadership section, above), together with a 'lay' Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, and parent representatives for each section. Other members of The Exec. are often appointed at the AGM.
The Exec. usually meets every other month and is responsible for running the building and grounds of the Headquarters, the Group finances, and for supporting the Group in its public duties and image. A large part of this responsibility is to ensure sufficient levels of leadership, and the raising of funds to maintain the Headquarters and provide materials and equipment.
If anyone has any comments or suggestions, they are welcome to speak to any leader, who will be able to pass them onto the Exec. for discussion.
The Group Council
The Group Council consists of all the leaders and other members of the Exec, plus all parents and guardians of enrolled young people. The Council's Annual General Meeting (AGM) is usually held in April. Attendance is strongly encouraged as it an opportunity for parents to have their say in the running of the Group and meet all the leaders together.
Joining the Group isn't just a commitment for your child; parents also join the Group, and without their help the Group would be unable to function. The assistance and support of parents is vital to the prosperity and continuation of the Group, and the enjoyment and training of the young people.
The 44th, in common with all Scout Groups and similar organisations, needs a constant income to keep going, and hopefully to improve facilities. We receive no outside grant aid, and are entirely self supporting.
A major expenditure is Headquarters maintenance and running expenses. A second big expense is the annual Headquarters levy, which covers services provided by National Headquarters and the District Scout Council, especially insurance for the leaders and young people while engaged in supervised Scouting activities. To provide such amounts from subscriptions alone would be prohibitive to all but a few parents, so we do need your help in various ways in fund-raising efforts, either in 'doing' or in organising.
Some events organised are of a social nature at which we encourage parents and young people, with their siblings and friends to meet for enjoyment - these events include a firework display, parties, and the summer barbecue. While we like to make a contribution to funds on these social events, this is not always the primary aim. Other events are strictly intended to raise funds, and are aimed at the public at large. For any event organised, parents are urged to canvass neighbours, friends and relatives for support or attendance.
Assistance is sometimes needed with maintenance jobs at Headquarters. We are always open to offers of help in other ways such as the donation of materials and professional services, and of goods for sale. (next project - refurbishment of the kitchen)
We publish a newsletter two weeks after the Group Executive meetings to circulate details of coming events, Group news, and so on, and to canvass help for particular occasions or difficulties. Please also keep an eye out for notices at Headquarters or messages carried home by the young people.